Last year you had the pleasure of meeting and learning all about Mr. Dakota Grady when he was a guest on my podcast, Organized Holistically. Well, this time I had the pleasure of being a guest on his podcast, Your Money Hour Podcast, where we talked all about business and how I help my clients with Organized Academy as well as my 1:1 coaching services. [Note at the 5:56 mark the video pauses, but it starts again at the 6:09 mark]
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I hope you enjoy this episode and definitely check out Dakota's other podcast guests as well.
I am the owner of the Happiness Bucket and I am a Holistic Process Strategist where I help Entrepreneurs to develop, implement and streamline processes in both their business and their personal life because I really believe in holistic organizing. I know it's a struggle for Entrepreneurs, specifically side-hustling entrepreneurs, and so I wanted to give some tips and tricks to those who are really trying to make a difference and do those things.
I started my business back in 2013, but when I started it looked completely different. I actually have a full-time job, I am a Certified Project Manager for a Corporate Law Firm here in Nashville. That is my day-time job and I have no intention of leaving it any time soon. That is one of the things that makes me different as a coach, specifically for side-hustlers, because I truly understand what that means and the struggles that they have when it comes to starting their business and trying to maintain the ins and outs of a side-hustle on top of a full-time job.
I'm the mother of a 7-year-old and I'm also married, so I get it. I understand all the hats and I really like to help my clients navigate all those things. As a parent that looks so different for every individual so being able to adapt the plan and adapt all the things you have to navigate to your life and not trying to have a cookie-cutter for everybody is important to me.
So the first step is to talk to the person to find out what their needs really are. I have three different buckets of services. I have the Business bucket which is the individual who is really looking to get the processes and things established in their business, and that could look many different ways to many different people. The next bucket is the Personal bucket or, which is the individual who is looking to get their home life organized. Getting home life organized, and getting it to run smoother, establishing and navigating schedules. Also, this bucket addresses self-care as well, believe it or not, this area uses organization as well. Then finally we have the holistic bucket and it is for the person who really needs everything, personal and business buckets.
Where are they really wanting to focus their attention, then we look at the financial and time needs that are needed. This will help me determine whether 1:1 coaching or the on-demand services, Organized Academy, is better for them.
I launched in the summer of 2020. I did a really soft launch. This is something I teach my clients to do. Sometimes we are so excited to get something out and we want to do a big splash, but we don't truly test it out. So you do all this publicity and this big marketing campaign, but then there is some technical problem that happens that causes the launch to fail...all because you didn't test first. So this past summer I did a soft launch for Founding Members to join at a discounted rate. Now the rate is set at a base rate and whenever you find me you can join at that time.
Organization! It is process and organization. It's really about looking at your overall needs. Looking at what is most critical to you and are game-changers. My daughter getting the things she needs to survive are critical. Then listing what are critical things for the's not a master set list that you never look at again. You have to take it day by day because things move and shift. You are plugging things in for your personal self, your home and your business. You have to look to see if your week is really balanced.
You are going to have weeks where you are really busy in your business, but the next week you need to shift your focus to bring balance in so that your business isn't getting all of your attention. For me as a Project Manager, I have no true set schedule, my day ebbs and flows based on the demands of the projects I'm working on, same with my daughter and my business. It's a puzzle of blending things together and setting priorities for the day and really trying to list one thing from each section so you have a better opportunity for balance. My full-time job, although the time is set for 8 hours...I still have to set priorities for those 8 hours of what I'm going to focus on.
Also for solopreneurs, you are working in your business, but you haven't had time to work on your business. So you have to then figure out when do you have time to work in your business. Breaking out those blocks of workable time is important. [See the video/audio for more details regarding how I navigate my schedule]
Set some clear deliverables for what time is dedicated to the various hats you wear and then navigating those.
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